I'm Really Sad
Just another WordPress weblog
zomg! WHERE AM I?!?!
wat? where the heck did that worm go?
OMG! That’s totally a floating question mark, isn’t it?
What ARE birds? We just don’t know.
Wut mom? ZOMG MAH PACKAGE CAME?!?!?Mom:ITS A KAIK!!!!Bird:Oh.
WAIT, did I just see a worm??! ”Mommm! Dinners readyyyy!”
everything seems gay :O
I am therefore am I?
What did she mean when she said I act like a dodo bird??
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zomg! WHERE AM I?!?!
wat? where the heck did that worm go?
OMG! That’s totally a floating question mark, isn’t it?
What ARE birds? We just don’t know.
Wut mom? ZOMG MAH PACKAGE CAME?!?!?Mom:ITS A KAIK!!!!Bird:Oh.
WAIT, did I just see a worm??! ”Mommm! Dinners readyyyy!”
everything seems gay :O
I am therefore am I?
What did she mean when she said I act like a dodo bird??