I'm Really Sad
Just another WordPress weblog
the world looks so different from up here!!
One small step for a mouse. One giant leap for mousekind!
whoah!whoah!hold the phone i smell cheeese!!!!!
all these pics suck not 1 made me happy
awww jenny what is making you sad? 🙁
Okay, I got on your hand, wheres my cheese?
Hey, that’s not a cat over there, is it?
Why would fags stick these things in their butt?
PLEASE!! My brother died in a felting accident.
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the world looks so different from up here!!
One small step for a mouse. One giant leap for mousekind!
whoah!whoah!hold the phone i smell cheeese!!!!!
all these pics suck not 1 made me happy
awww jenny what is making you sad? 🙁
Okay, I got on your hand, wheres my cheese?
Hey, that’s not a cat over there, is it?
Why would fags stick these things in their butt?
PLEASE!! My brother died in a felting accident.